
This article brings together some of the most common problems of the 21st century, namely the alarming rise of population and food situation in this context. Various scenarios on the food situation in the context of globalization have been drafted in the chosen topic, the impact of highly developed countries influencing the underdeveloped or developing countries Globalization, as a world movement, seeks to improve the physical boundaries between people, seeking to cover their needs, which can only be met with the help of the outside of the state.

The main objective of this paper is to know the problems of overpopulation of the Terra Planet, focusing on the situation of the survival mode, so that various scenarios of the future can be developed that contain relevant solutions to this problem.

In order to analyze the proposed topic, various aspects that influence the global population at global level have been investigated and are found to be closely linked to natality, mortality and natural balance. The importance of these issues lies in the need to know the problem of overcrowding the planet to find the most prolific living solutions. It is known that there are major differences between countries in the world about food, access to decent living or even huge differences in survival rates While some are happy to live in some parts of the world, people are struggling to keep their lives
