Position of Electromobility in the Mateusz Morawiecki’s Government Policy vs Energy System and its Security


The Polish fuel sector within the hydrocarbon area is confined to mid- and downstream. The first of the two is losing support due to the decline of Poland’s significance as a transit state for the Russian export. Given lack of upstream capacity, the position of the latter is also very weak. The excess supply of refinery services across the European continent reduces its development opportunities. The electrical power engineering alike, leaves much to be desired. The production area is dominated by entities more than half a century old. The over-exploited and useless power units are not replaced by any new ones featuring the power close to the withdrawn items. Majority of professional power plants are coal operated. The climate changes and the resulting restrictive UE policy in terms of greenhouse gases emission, including carbon dioxide, successfully contribute to the decarbonisation of the power production in the region. This process will cover also Poland. Awareness of the issue seems to emerge from the government’s state of mind. The electromobility plan meets all the preconditions to become an element of support to the power transformation process in Poland. The car market is well developed and plays a significant role. Although used cars imported privately dominate in the streets, the share of new vehicles rises on a year to year basis. CO2 emission based restrictions and penalties imposed on the manufacturers lead to the eventual removal of traditional combustion engines driven cars. The rising number of PHEV and EV indicates not only the higher demand for electric power, an increase in its production in other words, but a complete remake of the distribution infrastructure as well. The problem is clear to see in big agglomeration suburbs inhabited by wealthy society. Microgeneration development seems to be the only hope here.