PPK as a Response to the Challenges of Sustainable Development on the Example of Polish


The changing economic reality, unfavorable demographic structure or increasing life expectancy of citizens are just some of the factors that imply the need to prepare and implement pension solutions enabling a decent life in the post-working age.  The purpose of the article is to verify the participation of the public in the PPK program, get to know the profile of participants, as well as obtain information about the offer of financial institutions managing the PPK,  due to the average cost of management.  The basic research methods used to achieve this goal are expert interview and critical literature studies, and in formulating conclusions – methods of deduction and synthesis. The results of the conducted research indicate that the new pension solution may be an important element of the system in terms of unfavourable demographic structure and life expectancy of citizens, provided that effective information activities in this area and necessary adjustments are made in connection with changes in the environment.