Pratiques managériales et marketing B2B dans le secteur du bâtiment, face aux enjeux de l’éco-conception : de multiples acteurs et interactions


Today, the questions and the practices of the eco-design introduce a true change of paradigm and a deep transformation of the professional practices. In addition, these are related to the whole marketing objects: values (of the companies and the clients), strategies (objectives, steps), tools and procedure for obtaining results. Lastly, one of the industrial sectors particularly concerned and in deep upheaval because of the stakes of the ecodesign is that of the building: energy choices, production and the choice of materials and products of the building industry as well as the engineering practices are directly affected by these upheavals. In this triple context of evolution, we wonder here about the role and the contribution of the marketing B2B, which in particular relates to the relations between companies but also to the triptych company supplier - company client - market. This questioning more particularly relates to the project marketing - essential in the world of the building. It will not only aim at clarifying the problems of design - realization of the buildings under various angles (procedural, network, products, and so one…) but also, with wrong way, at re-questioning some assets of the marketing in B2B situation as they are classically developed in an organisational context of company.