Preference-Based Meeting Scheduler Using Ontology


In this paper, a semantically enriched preference based meeting scheduler is proposed. By committing to ontologies, machine can understand and reason about the information such as events and schedules. Therefore meeting scheduling ontology is constructed for describing the domain knowledge of meeting scheduling system. For describing the behavior of attendees, Semantic Meeting Scheduling System (SMSS) uses the set of personal ontology. User expresses his availability in terms of preferences. To satisfy user with arranging meeting, user preferences are actively accounted in this Semantic Meeting Scheduling System. Preferences are divided into two categories: temporal and non-temporal. Each user has priority and he has also prioritized his preferences by giving weight to his preferences. These weights are used to rank most favourable time slot vs. least favourable time slot. Our SMSS encompasses these two aspects, it actively accounts user preferences and perform sophisticated reasoning to offer scheduling options. SMSS infers the most relevant list of interested attendees for a requested meeting and list of important persons for a person and insert them in participant’s concept. SMSS uses the meeting scheduling ontology and personal ontologies of meeting attendees with meeting information to infer the potential meeting time slots for the meeting host. SMSS then shows the ranked potential time slots to the Meeting Host.