Problems And Prospects For The Development Of Digital Public Administration


The vast majority of government agencies and organizations actively implement and use information technology in their practice. It should be noted that the level of innovation diffusion in the public sector is still lower than in commercial business structures. This is due, first of all, to a certain inertia inherent in the traditional system of state and municipal government, especially at the initial stages of reform, the desire to maintain the stability of the existing structure, as well as considering innovations as a destabilizing factor. At the same time, it is important to fully understand the fact that the process of creating an electronic state should not act as an end in itself, since the priority goal in this process is to improve the quality of services provided, as well as the benefits derived by citizens, the public, representatives of the business community, and organizations in process of interaction with authorities. The transfer of managerial functions to the information environment as a result of the implementation of the E-Government concept will allow authorities to actively interact with other departments and solve not only current operational tasks much faster and more efficiently, but also to implement long-term programs and projects in various sectors of the economy and social sphere, making maximum use of the whole range of opportunities that will become available as a result of informatization of state and municipal government.