Problems of Using Agricultural Aviation in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region


The development of such a sector of the national economy as general aviation contributes to the socio-economic development of the regions in which it occurs. Various types of work performed by general aviation help combat forest fires, evacuate sick people from remote parts of the region, search for lost people, and the like.

One of the most important types of general aviation is agricultural aviation. Agricultural aviation in comparison with traditional agricultural equipment allows to multiply the area of ​​cultivated crops by reducing the amount of time that is necessary for the complete processing of fields. The time factor is very important when carrying out agricultural work in that it can allow for the timely conduct of such critical operations as the destruction of agricultural pests, fertilizing winter crops in spring, when the wheeled machinery is still stuck in damp spring soil and others.

The use of airplanes for aerial chemical work is widespread throughout the world. Previously, in the Russian Federation, about 4,000 agricultural aircraft worked on the implementation of aviation chemical works, but now, according to the Department of Plant Production of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, only 238 such aircraft are operating in our country. Thus, it is necessary to identify the reasons for reducing the use of this type of aircraft and to develop methods and mechanisms to increase usage of agricultural aviation. It is also necessary to determine the feasibility of creating an infrastructure that will be used exclusively by agricultural aviation.