Process Plan Optimization for Accelerated Durability Key Life Test Method


The purpose of this paper is the characterization of the Accelerated Durability Key Life Testing and process optimization, that is per/ormed to help evaluate the design life ofa vehicle component at an accelerated pace. The basis of the Key Lije test is the determination ofthe expected real-life operating conditions for the vehicle, and that set of conditions is accelerated so that the system or component under test canful/il its design life of150,000 miles in weeks or months rather than l0years. The Durability Key Li/e testing is an essential step in determining the expected life ofa vehicle, It increases repeatability and reduces risk exposure by detecting defects at an earlier stage in the vehicle development process. Whether you test at thefull-vehicle, subsystem. or component level, Element has the expertise and the equipment to provide testing solutions that enhance the sturdiness of your product. This article includes an in-depth anab1sis of the Key Life test method and process optimization. The data presented describe the process of peiforming the test method and how we could optimize the process by analyzing and
planning each activity. Testing improvement method was applied. The purpose of this paper is to redefine the testing process in order to satisfil customer expectation regarding quality, durability, reliability of Accelerated Durability Key Life test. Following the results, ideas for improvement were searched and a plan was proposed.

“No one wants to learn from mistakes, but we cannot learn enough from successes to go beyond the state of the art. Henry Petroski, To Engineer Is Human: The Role Q/"Failure in Success/‘ul Design (1985),,