Production and Financial-economic Results Achieved by Implementing Strategic Marketing to Potato Cultivation in Romania


Food problem was and is a major concern, both nationally and worldwide, mainly aimed at solving more effective the relationship between resources and consumer needs.
Because of its nutritional value, the potato is a staple food, being considered, rightly, the "second bread" being requested in increasing quantities in population nutrition.
Through this study, the authors have proposed to find new ways to streamline the production of potatoes, targeted to optimize the structure of the varieties, the practice of performant technologies based on a system of management and marketing, leading to achieve high efficiency, compared to the old system practiced in the north of Romania, respectively in microzones Suceava, Radauti and Falticeni, in Suceava county, which cultivate potato, averaged over the last 3 years, on over 40 % of the arable land of the investigated area (approximately 27,000 ha).(Ansoff H.I., 1999; Bacanu B., 1997; Chiran A. and al., 1998; Dona I., 2000;  Oancea M., 2003).
Although there are impediments and occurring problems, potato maintained itself profitable and can still achieve substantial profits per hectare. (Crăcăleanu Maria and Patraș J.,1994).