Professions And Qualifications In The Knowledge Based Economy And Implications For Educational System


This paper aims to identify the implications of the knowledge based economy on the labour market in general and especially on the future professions. Mankind is in an era of knowledge, which is characterized by a huge volume of knowledge, rapidly growing with visible effects in the procurement science. This era of knowledge brings changes to professions that require new skills such as how to use knowledge, capacity for innovation, creativity. Scientific and intellectual work gains most importance, given that the increased level of scientific knowledge makes the very easy job to assume a higher level of knowledge and skills than they had before. In this context, there are presented the evolution and types of professions over time with emphasis on the future professions which highlight the type of knowledge worker, of the creative worker, of the conceptual analysts. The paper focuses on the requirements of the future professions and finally proposes some solutions to improve the education/higher education and educational system.