Proposals to Improve the Satisfaction of Senior Citizens at the Municipality Level. Research Results


The aim of the study is to identify what measures may lead to an improvement of the satisfaction of senior citizens at three levels: individual, corporate, and municipality. Part of the research is then concerned with the sources of information used by the senior citizens in the places of their residence. These results indicate that it is the quality of services offered to senior citizens in the place of their residence that affects considerably the satisfaction of elderly people. Thus, the municipalities may employ relatively easy procedures to help improve the senior citizens' quality of and satisfaction with life, provided that they concentrate on their real needs. Important and positive finding is that senior citizens, too, are interested in work on the improvement of the quality of their standard of living. Volunteering with the involvement of the senior citizens offers an opportunity for the municipalities with emphasis on a better access to information. Lucky are those who know the benefits of old age when they are young as well as those who can keep the blessings of youth when they grow old. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Well, a happy old age no doubt includes a proactive, positive approach to life and care for other people that may be equally or even more in need as the present research has also shown.