Psychological Safety in the Workplace: Statement of the Research Task


The main goal of this theoretical study is to identify new areas to study the phenomenon of workers psychological safety in organizations. Currently, under the influence of global economic and social threats, the sphere of labor relations is transforming, new forms of employment are emerging, and competition for jobs is increasing. The authors propose when considering the psychological safety of workers to take into account not only microenvironment factors, but also the workers' attitude to global threats of the macro environment, then variables such as the type of employee’s employment contract, form of employment, competitiveness and demand for a person in the labor market. In developing the pilot research methodology, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used and the content of the narrative interview was described. Analysis of the structural components of psychological security and their dynamic changes under the influence of economic and social risks allows a new approach to the choice of measures to maintain psychological security for various categories of employees in the organization. As a result of theoretical research, the authors conclude that the formulation of new research tasks in relation to the phenomenon of psychological safety of an employee in an organization should be based on relevant and possible changes in the labor sphere under the influence of global economic and social risks.