Psychological Support for Employees in Polish Companies in The Context of Selected Variables Based on The Results of The Survey “New Trends in Human Resources Management in Large Enterprises”


The article presents selected results of research carried out as part of the project: "New trends in human resources management in large enterprises". The objective of the project was to identify social and psychological factors supporting the development of employees in organisations, identification of intangible assets as well as processes used for the management of social capital and trust in organisations. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify selected factors related to offering individual support in enterprises. The relationship between the provision of psychological support in companies and such characteristics as: annual revenue, number of employees, type of business activity was analysed Methods: Sample: The survey involved 179 representatives of enterprises randomly selected from among the 500 largest businesses in Poland. Measures: Quantitative methods of measurement were applied in the study – CAWI online survey and CATI telephone survey techniques were used. Procedure: The CATI or CAWI survey was addressed to representatives of companies with substantive knowledge of the subject matter of the study. Findings: Of the factors measured by the study, a statistically significant relationship was revealed only for the revenue factor. This means that the amount of material income can have a significant impact on the decision to provide psychological support to workers in the form of individual counselling. Research limitations: The research was carried out using survey tools. Practical implications: On the basis of the results, according to which the decision to employ a psychologist depends on financial conditions and the related market standing of the company, some practical recommendations can be formulated. It is advisable to introduce systemic solutions that would support entrepreneurs in the process of implementation of mental health care systems for employees. Such solutions should include financial but also formal and organisational aid. Furthermore, it would be advisable to motivate entrepreneurs in their efforts to promote the mental well-being of employees by raising their awareness of the benefits of such efforts – both individual and also those for the entire company.