Public Contracts in Hospitals in the Czech Republic Revised


The average overall expenses spent on health-care services within the EU amounts to 9% of the GDP, while in the Czech Republic it is 7.5% of the GDP. The degree of inefficiency of the expenses spent on health-care services in the Czech Republic is estimated at 20% (the Czech Ministry of Health). For financially sustainable health-care services it is necessary to focus on the problem of the efficiency of the financial resources that are spent in this sector and on the partial elimination of the reasons for the inefficiency.

The goal of the text is to verify whether the efficiency can be increased in the area of public procurements in teaching hospitals by using more transparent or more open procedures. Updated data from central public procurement database revealed that the more transparent and more open procedures enable the higher reduction of final prices. It implicates some interesting economical and political consequences. The support or motivation for usage of some kind of procedures can lead to significant decrease of public expenditure.
