Public Policies in the Field of Employment of Young People in the Labor Market


Policies targeting youth employment have seen an upward trend in improving this phenomenon among the unemployed. Government policies on the issue of integrating young people into the labor market have been particularly emphasized lately by adopting active measures to boost job insertion and create new jobs. Equally, the government has been concerned with the adoption and implementation of EU legislation in the field of social policy. The positive effects were felt in the overall number of the unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed, with a significant decrease. However, young people still have a significant share in the overall unemployment rate, and these efforts to support young people's access to the labor market should continue. The fact that Romania joins and participates in the European Community development projects in the field of employment policies starts to result in the decrease of the structural unemployment rate among young people benefiting from these measures. Another aspect worth mentioning is that also passive social policies have seen a diversification of the adopted actions and an example in this respect is the granting of the subsidy from the budget for the salary of the graduates employed in the first year after the end of the school. Particular attention should be paid to young unemployed people in rural areas and to those with medium or undergraduate education. The ideas and values presented above will be discussed during this paper.
