Public Sector Project Office: From Information Repository to Coworking Center


The speed of project management growth of in Post-Soviet countries is ahead of technological and institutional changes. Today, the project management in government is becoming very trendy, and this entails both positive and negative consequences: project offices are created, but the regulatory legal framework for project management has not been created; management expects initiatives from citizens, but programs and projects traditionally descend from top to bottom; various information software products are used, but they are not integrated into a single national project management system, as a result of which tools for manual control of projects continue to dominate. There is a lack of understanding of the essence of the project approach at all levels of government, which is aimed not so much at creating project documentation or organizational structure as at predicting changes and benefiting from the results of changes. The article proposes to consider the project office in terms of public benefit: how public servants - project managers can manage changes with the active participation of citizens.
