Qualitative Analysis of Organisational Knowledge and Performance of Telecommuunication Firms in Nigeria


Although organisational knowledge has been argued to be a vital means to enhancing organisational competitiveness yet most discussions in existing literature has been limited by a technology based perspective of organisational knowledge. Consequently, human cognitive capabilities have been largely expunged in relating organisational knowledge to performance. Based on a conceptualization of organisational knowledge from a perspective that combine people and technology, this research proposes four dimensions of organisational knowledge that can be linked to performance. A survey of 66 Managerial employees of organisations in the Nigeria telecommunications industry form the population for this study. The research study is descriptive in nature and it adopted a qualitative research design. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. The propositions and framework provided in this study gives direction to researchers and practitioners on the application of organisational knowledge to enhancing performance of technology-based firms in low technology economies, such as Nigeria and most African economies.
