Quality of Life Evaluation of Visegrad Group Compared with EU and Austria


Defining term quality of life brings many dilemmas. If we occupy ourselves with defining QL term, we have to consider influence of historical, cultural and social changes, which take place in given society. The definition aptly describes the expert discussions [9], which state that QL: “usually refers to the degree to which a person’s life is desirable versus undesirable, often with an emphasis on external components, such as environmental factors and income. In contrast to subjective well-being, which is based on subjective experience, quality of life is often expressed as more objective and describes the circumstances of a person’s life rather than his or her reaction to those circumstances.” The concept of QL is difficult to define and various authors and various organizations approach to the concept of QL it differently. For the evaluation of the QL it is necessary to use indicators, using which you can specific areas or issues of QL quantify.