Insuring the quality of the agri-food products represents a primary concern at an international, regional and national level. Governmental policies in Republic of Moldova to ensure the food safety is based of the modern principle “from the pitchfork to the fork”, that includes monitoring the quality at all the stages of the food chain. The study proposes an analysis of the main regulations and public institutions with attributions in the area of the quality at national level. The sources of documentations were represented mainly by the national legislation in this area, completed with scientific articles and publications from specialized magazines. The research highlighted the attempts of modernization of the national system of quality, with an eye to harmonize it with regulations in the European system. There is a developed legislative framework that it’s permanently adapted to the international norms. The National Agency for Food Safety is the main public institution with attributions in the area of the food quality, supported in their actions by the ministries responsible for health, agriculture, economy, financial and intern fields. Although the HACCP system is obligatory, to apply for it isn’t generalized at national level. The national standardization system is harmonized to the international norms. Ensuring the quality of grocery products in Republic of Moldova is an extensive process that requires efforts from public institutions, but also from the consumers. Even though there are certain progressed registered the last few years, lack of the staff, insufficient funds or difficulties in applying the legislation specific for food products there are problems the quality system faces in Republic of Moldova. The done research is preliminary and sets the basis to certain complex analysis that are going to be developed during the doctoral training program.