Quality of Information Obtained from IT (ERP) Systems and the Organization’s Agility


In a complex, turbulent environment, the ability to sense changes and promptly respond to them is an important determinant of the company's success. A desirable feature of every organization is agility, understood as ease and speed with which companies can adapt their processes. Simultaneously, centralized information processing using ERP systems gives a possibility to obtain a set of stimulating signals even to those users who have not noticed any specific dependencies so far. The purpose of the article is to determine whether the implementation of ERP class systems affects business agility. In order to achieve the adopted goal, a discourse has been conducted in order to obtain an answer to the questions: What is agility? What are the attributes of an agile enterprise? How does the application of integrated ERP systems affect the quality characteristics of information? How does the application of integrated  ERP systems affect the parameters defining the organization's agility? Is there a relationship between the quality of information acquired from ERP systems and business agility? As the research method, the authors have used literature research and dependency analysis in the form of  rank correlation significance and contingency analysis.
