Quality of Work-Life and Organizational Culture in the Context of United Arab Emirates


Smart quality of work life is important for an organization to draw in and to retain accomplished and proficient employees. Quality of work life is a critical concept with having lots of importance in employee’s life. Quality of work-life (EQWL) indicates a proper balance both in work and personal life which also ensure organizational productivity and employee’s job satisfaction. This paper attempted to explore the literature on the relationship between employee quality of work-life and organisational culture in the context of UAE. The study of EQWL is very important because it may differentiate between high and low performers among organizations. However, there is a huge gap in studies on exploring the quality of such work-life in UAE. The conducted studies about employee quality of work-life in UAE are less and limit, thus it is necessary that the more and comprehensive research conduct in this topic. It is very important especially when the increase of quality of work-life and its relationship with job satisfaction is propounded.
