Ranking E-Business Website Quality Factors


An E-business website can be assessed by the quality factors of its software. The presence of these quality factors allows the measurable specification of attributes and variables. This paper defines and categorizes the quality factors for measuring an E-business website.The software is an essential part of the E-business website. The ISO 9126-1 standard for software engineering product quality states that the main purpose of software quality evaluation is to supply referential quantitative results for software products that are reliable, understandable and acceptable. According to Larsson (2004), quality factors are primarily attributes of the software that are often labeled as “non-functional requirements.” The key challenge of these attributes is the lack of a formal specification of a means of measurement. This paper provides a framework to establish quality factors in terms of attributes, in addition to their level of importance based on the opinion of highly-skilled professionals.The primary goals are identifying, qualifying, categorizing and rating these factors.