Rating Methodology for Kazakhstan’s Energy Efficiency Projects


The level of requirements for thermal resistance of structures in Kazakhstan is significantly lower than the requirements imposed in EU countries with similar climatic conditions. The average data on heat consumption in the residential sector in Central Asia countries (230-270 kW * h / m2) exceed this indicator in Europe (100-120 kW * h / m2) and are comparable with Russia (210 kW * h / m2). In general, the level of our lag in the degree of thermal protection of newly constructed buildings is 15-20 years. It is important to use the correct rating to obtain a complete and objective picture of energy efficiency indicators in the field of buildings and structures. This article provides an overview of indicators and rating categories for energy efficiency projects. Based on a study of best practices, the authors propose common and relevant rating assessment techniques that can be successfully applied in the economy of Kazakhstan. Assessment is based on rating systems, of which the following are most known: LEED (USA); BREEAM (UK); DGNB (Germany), each of which has a specific specificity and identifies various priorities.