Reception of TV and On-line Advertising in the light of Opinion Polls of Young People from High Schools in the Tri-City Agglomeration (Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia)


The development of civilization has made advertising a powerful communication force, an active marketing tool supporting the sale of material goods, services, images and ideas. Its growing role results from its strengthening of free competition, thanks to which it can be treated as a factor facilitating the market. Advertising is understood as a kind of constructive communication between the seller and the consumer. In connection with the development of modern information and communication technologies, the question arises as to what role and what forms of advertising are the future. The question arises: which of the advertisements is more important for young audiences, TV or Internet? Advertising expenditures continue to grow. This applies to both TV and Internet advertising. Changes in advertising are very dynamic, and one of the factors of such rapid changes is, apart from the development of technology, growing expectations and recipients. The profile of the consumer is changing, and he no longer treats advertising as something that bothers or is intrusive. The article aims to present the perception of television and Internet advertising by young people. The main research problems addressed in this study focused on whether young people positively reject communication through television and Internet advertising? In which of them do they see more negative elements? Which of these two forms of advertising do they see more often? The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method in the form of a direct questionnaire. 824 people among 16-19 year olds is much less. Based on the conducted research, it can be unequivocally stated that advertising is not losing its popularity in the surveyed group. Young people have a positive attitude towards advertising. They appreciate artistic values ​​and creativity. They mainly receive messages via mobile devices, so online advertising is seen by them more often. Television is watched sporadically, so the importance of this advertisement among 16-19 year olds is much less.