Regional Development through Agricultural Financing Programmes Brief Analysis of the SAPARD Programme Results in Romania (2000 – 2006) and of the Mechanisms and Support Instruments Implemented through the National Rural Development Programme (NRDP) (2007-2013)


The impact of the pre-accession assistance programmes on the Romanian agriculture is a controversial and current topic, which is one of the sectors with high potential for economic growth and development at national level. Introducing special assistance programmes such as SAPARD backed by the need to accomplish a series of structural reform proved to be a bold move whose effects still require a thorough analysis even after more than 10 years since its beginning.  In this article, we have analyzed the impact of SAPARD programme at 10 years since its closure and its effects on the at the moment situation of the agricultural sector in Romania, as well as we have made a reference to the NRDP Programme that followed based on the statistical data available at national and European level. The conclusions after analysis, highlight the idea that introducing the SAPARD and NRDP programme in agriculture brought an invaluable contribution to the development of this sector, which may offer leads for future programmes.