The paper focuses on the topic of regional development and cross-border public services in the field of security. The topic is dealt in the conditions of cross-border cooperation of the German, Austrian and Czech sides of the Euregion. The aim of the paper is to characterize the basic public services in the field of security and to describe the individual areas that are contractually treated. The research process and methodology for this case study was very demanding, as a comprehensive analysis cross-border public services. In order to present a lively picture of cross-border public services, an extensive on-line research had to be realised because relevant information was scattered across a wide range of different sources and different languages. The Euregio-wide introductory analysis and especially the assessment of future development perspectives sucurity in the fields of helicopter emergency medical care shows that there are still considerable potentials for optimising existing cross-border public services and for developing new cross-border public services in the trilateral cooperation area.