Regional Disparities in the European Union: Focused on the Wages and their Development


The regional development is evolving in each region in different ways. It means that there are formed differences. These differences are called the regional disparities. They are formed in many areas. Also, the wages in regions are evolving in different ways.These are the disparities of the wages. The disparities of the wages are formed as between regions within a country (national) and as between countries (international). Sometimes the wage is motivation for the worker for moving to another region (or another country).

This article focuses on the different wages in the countries of the European Union. The aim of this article is to capture the important points in the evolution of the gross average monthly wages in the countries of the European Union and to analyze the differences between countries.

This research was financially supported by the Student Grant Competition SU within the project SGS/7/2012 “The influence of regional disparities on the business environment”.
