Regulation of the Competitiveness of Financial Business Structures


Improving the competitiveness of management system is one of the most complex and topical tasks of any financial enterprise structure, which is logically driven by transitions in the field of innovation, technology, globalization and the liberalization of market relations. The subjects of entrepreneurship constantly need to develop existing approaches to the formation of new tools for generating solutions to ensure a high level of competitiveness in the long run. This article defines the directions, causes and factors that influence the regulation of the system for managing the competitiveness of financial business entities. On the basis of this, the order of realization of these directions is determined, taking into account the priority of their implementation. Priority is chosen based on the cost and complexity of adjusting deviations in a particular direction. The reasons and factors mentioned in the article directly indicate which direction of regulation should be implemented. The deviation of the values of this indicator from the planned or the normative does not directly indicate in what direction should be regulated by the deviations in the system of management of the competitiveness of the financial enterprise structure.