Remote learning of engineering and managerial staff – opportunities and threats in the era of Covid-19 pandemic.


The paper confirms that remote learning of engineering and management personnel - opportunities and threats in the era of Covid-19 pandemic has a definite impact on the skills and knowledge level of university graduates. The pandemic period and various negative experiences in the private and professional sphere have made us more susceptible to deterioration of our well-being. However, it is not only the overall satisfaction with life and performance at work that determines mental well-being, but also the body's resilience, which is extremely important in the current circumstances. The World Health Organization defines mental health as a state of well-being in which it is possible to make full use of one's abilities. A person in good mental health is better able to cope with stress, solve problems and take the right actions, making them a productive employee. In view of this definition, taking care of the mental health of the workforce is beneficial to both the organization and the individuals within it. Most emergency action plans focus on structures, protocols, and processes and ignore the human factor based on the assumption that regardless of the situation, people will show up to work anyway or take on the job remotely.
