Remote Work and Organisational Innovations – Post-Covid Conclusions


As a result of the C-19 pandemic restrictions, remote work has been applied on a large scale. Many researchers have attempted to answer questions about implications of this solution on performance of enterprises and the results obtained by employees. The innovation of enterprises has a major impact on the results they obtain in the long term, which implies the need to pay attention to this issue.  Until now, there has been information on the positive aspects of remote work on the growth of employee productivity and the difficulties this mode of work creates for the innovation of organisations. An in-depth analysis of the dimensions that make up the organisational climate for innovation allows to conclude that innovation activities can also be successfully implemented with remote work. Much depends on the degree to which the organisation's owners and managers understand the factors determining the organisational climate towards innovation and individual innovation behaviour. Management and employees' behaviours that foster innovation can be fully transferred to remote working. This requires management commitment to developing new ways of doing things, managing and collaborating. This entails a greater need to digitilise the organisation and implement numerous IT solutions facilitating remote work. Difficulties in this regard can be an excuse to deny employees the possibility of working remotely and to claim that remote work reduces organisational innovation. An important hurdle in popularising remote work may be the attitude of employers. With the right equipment in workplaces, the effects of remote work on innovation are neutral or positive. Under such conditions, there is a need to appreciate to a greater extent the value of individual innovative behaviour at work.