Research on Integrating The Information and Communication Technologies within The Process of Teaching-Learning


Rapid development of the informational technology and communications, directly connected to the Internet development and the attached communications ways, leaded to a more intense implication of those in education. New terms such as: on-line education, e-learning educational systems are more and more met. Using the new TIC facilitate the transition from the traditional model of classroom education to o greater personalization of the content and a greater control of the ones that learn on the instruction process. In this paper we analyzed, first of all, the premises of the development of the informatics technologies applied in the learning process. Implementing the multimedia technologies in the teaching-learning process implies a rise of attention, of consciously information’s volume and diminishing the needed time for instruction.  We presented some statistics and examples of e-learning platforms realized in Romania. As a result of this analysis we concluded that the Internet is seen firstly as an information source, instruction and education (87% of the Internet users). As a result of the experiment realized with experimental groups of students (teaching them by using multimedia courses) and control groups (traditional teaching system), by applying statistic methods of data processing (Mann-Whitney test) we reached the conclusion that introducing the multimedia courses in the teaching-learning process has a positive impact.