Researches on the Wine-Growing Region of the Moldavian Hills


In ancient times, wine was considered the livery of the gods. The Romans called it "vinum", and Alexander the Great considered it "the blood of the vine, the power of the earth and the eternity of the sun." In Romania, we can see that the history of wine is almost overlapping with the history of the country, being over 2700 years since the Romanians are enjoying this drink. Viticulture has well-defined regions and, within those regions there are areas which include wines with a right of controlled origin to be produced. At present, there are 37 vineyards in Romania found in eight wine-growing regions, the “Moldavian Hills region” being the largest one, with nearly 70,000 hectares. The rural areas in which these vineyards are located offer an ideal setting for the development of a phenomenon in a continuous dynamic and transformation: wine agritourism.