Risks and Opportunities Related to the Internal and External Context of Organizations


Risks and opportunities are being identified in many organizations. Appropriate approach to risk management determine the effectiveness of management in organizations as such. Risk management is implemented in different ways and in different areas of the business, including areas related to the internal factors and conditions (e.g. values, knowledge, performance, processes) and areas related to the external factors and conditions (e.g. legal issues, technological issues, competition, market). Organizations have as well different approach to dealing with significant risks (including involvement of top management, implementation of contingency plans or providing relevant training to staff regarding risk management).

The aim of this paper is to verify in which areas of the business related to organizational internal and external context risks and opportunities are identified the most frequently and identify the difference  between organizations with implemented standardized management system (such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or ISO 45001) and organizations without such system.

An analysis was carried out on the group of 123 organizations, operating in Poland among which 73 have implemented management system and 50 do not. Research contains analysis on the risks and opportunities management practices in surveyed organizations and internal and external areas where risks and opportunities have been identified. Results of the study indicates a certain disproportion in the maturity of risk-based thinking between the two surveyed groups.