The Role of Key Actors in the Reform of the Higher Education in Romania to Achieve the Objectives of the European Strategy in Education


Education and training are crucial to the economic and social progress of a country, and the alignment of skills to the demands of the labor market plays and essential role in this progress towards a globalized and knowledge-based economy, where a competent labor force is required in order to be competitive from productivity, quality and innovation points of view. The present study aims mainly at achieving an analysis on the systemic reforms and the role the key actors (the students and the professors) play on the development of Higher Education so that it should integrate to the requirements of the European policy. Each member state of the European Union has a great responsibility towards its own system of education, training and the content of their educational programs. It supports the measures at national level and helps the member state to address common challenges through the concept known as “the open coordination method”, providing a policy framework to discuss current issues and to exchange best practices.