Role of Multicultural Leadership Style, Locus of Control, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture in Diverse Workforce Job Satisfaction and Performance


Researchers have been focusing on the predictors of job satisfaction and performance in conventional setting but the area of multicultural setting has been ignored or unclear in the human resource literature. Therefore, purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive framework in order to better understand the role of organizational commitment, organizational culture, multicultural leadership style, EEO/AA and Locus of control in job satisfaction and performance of culturally diverse workforce. The review of past research is used to develop a conceptual framework. For this purpose, different databases, books, reports, business magazines were consulted in order to evaluate scope of current literature related to multicultural workforce job satisfaction and performance. : This conceptual paper provides theoretical ground and propose role of multicultural leadership style in twofold and explain that multicultural leadership style influence organizational commitment as well as culturally diverse workforce job satisfaction. Similarly, this paper also suggest role of organizational culture in twofold and explain that organizational culture (supportive culture) influence organizational commitment as well as culturally diverse workforce job satisfaction. In addition, in comparison with external LOC, internal LOC and EEO/AA positively influence multicultural workforce job satisfaction. Finally, this paper explain that culturally diverse workforce job satisfaction predict job performance.