Russian Regions Differentiation By Living Standards


The regions of the Russian Federation have different economic potential, which certainly affects their development. The economic task of typologizing the regions of the Russian Federation is determined by the need to separate the various constituent entities of the Russian Federation into homogeneous groups when conducting inter-regional comparisons, or by studying economic processes at the regional level. In this study, the differentiation of the territories of the Russian Federation refers to the establishment of qualitative relationships between groups of regions with close values ​​of economic indicators characterizing the standard of living of the population. Homogeneous groups of regions are distinguished on the basis of a statistical (cluster) analysis of a multidimensional vector of variables. The main factors for the assessment were the share of the population with incomes below the regional living wage, the ratio of the average per capita income to the regional living wage and the ratio of the average per capita spending to the regional living wage. According to the study, the regions of Russia are divided into 7 classes according to the standard of living of the population. In the framework of the classification of regions of the Russian Federation according to the characteristics of inter-regional differentiation of the standard of living of the population, classes of regions with relatively uniform indicators of living standards are identified. The results of solving this problem can be used in further studying the regional problems of the economic and social development of Russia and developing recommendations in the field of social policy and public support.