Satisfaction Of University Students With Distance Learning During The COVID-19 Pandemic


The transition to distance learning using online learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic provided motivation to conduct research on student satisfaction with this form of learning. Not only has the communication channel changed, but also the methods used in the teaching process. Therefore, it is reasonable to examine the level of student satisfaction and the factors that may affect it, including getting to know the situation of students and analyzing the role of lecturers on many levels.

The aim of this article is to analyze the level of student satisfaction with distance learning and the factors that may affect it. An analysis of the empirical and theoretical studies conducted so far, which are recently numerous, has been carried out. In addition, in June 2021, a study involving students of the  Gnieznienska Szkola Wyzsza Milenium (N = 214) was conducted using the online survey technique, aimed at collecting data on their level of satisfaction with distance learning and determining which factors affect their satisfaction to the greatest extent. The main research problem posed in this paper was: What factors correlate with the level of student satisfaction with GSW Milenium distance learning? Six indices correlating with satisfaction with distance learning were analyzed. After analyzing and interpreting the results, recommendations were also made to increase the level of satisfaction of GSW Milenium students with distance learning.