Satisfaction Profiles of Students in a University


One of the highly debated topics nowadays is the idea of defining the relationship between a university and its students. A much debated topic is in this sense is the idea of seeing students as customers. There are many authors who agree with this idea. But, there are also many authors who disagree stating that seeing students as customers decreases the value of the degree offered. As long as a big part of the incomes of a university depend on the students, they should be regarded as a special type of customers or as partners according to some authors. In this article there are presented the results of a research in which the satisfaction of the students is analyzed and used in order to define better the relation between a university and its students. The research is designed in two phases. In a first phase the intercorrelations between the analyzed items are determined with the help of the factorial analysis. Based on these results, there were defined 6 factors used afterwards for the determination of clusters of students. These cluster were analyzed and recommendations are developed.