Scientific Fraud: Theory and Practice


Scientific fraud is a phenomenon that has captured the entire scientific world today. Regardless of the directions of scientific research and scientific interests, regardless of the states where researchers live, more and more often there are accusations of plagiarism, falsification of data, publication of research results that have not actually been conducted. In conducting the study, general scientific methods of empirical research were used, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. As a result of the study, the author identified the most commonly used terms and actions falling under these terms. The fundamentals of scientific ethics and the prerequisites causing and causing such negative consequences as scientific fraud are analyzed. Despite the fact that scientists from different countries, different specialties (sociologists, philosophers, lawyers, etc.) are concerned about the problem of combating scientific fraud, scientific fraud continues to exist and develop. Thanks to the Internet creature, students and students no longer have such a need to acquire knowledge as they did 20 years ago, then they had to study a lot of books and magazines in the library, analyze, and then write a work. Today, the search engines successfully do this for them, and the students take work that they haven’t written, i.e. work in which they do not make any scientific contribution. The intensification of scientific fraud in the academic environment is caused, among other things, by the introduction of scientific citation indices. Unscrupulous journals appear that publish articles that cannot qualify for scientific research - the material is either written off from another author, or the results of the research are forged.