Secure E-Voting Scheme through Polling Stations


Over the last few years, computer networks have been widely spreading, as they became part of our daily lives. The rapid development of Internet infrastructure showed up a variety of activities that can be done over the Internet saving the two most important factors in life, time and money. Also, one of today’s most shining research areas is migrating election to the online platform. The term ‘Online’ now has it’s own glance, and adapting the life to the online way is where people are looking to go. Recent election problems such as the increasing number of voters, vote buying, double voting, the joke of dead people voting and time taken for results, have sparked a great interest in computerizing the election process by developing electronic voting systems to face these problems. In this paper, the proposed scheme uses modern cryptographic techniques to maintain the electronic vulnerabilities that can threaten the fairness of the election, and gain the trust of government, candidates, and citizens. In the proposed scheme, digital signature, mutual authentication, hashing, PKI, and blind signature are used to maintain authentication, privacy, accuracy, non-duplication, verifiability, vote buying/selling prevention, mobility, robustness, and completeness.