Security and Encryption of Classified Information. Shamir Data Sharing System


What about cyberattacks? We are all responsible for disrupting, blocking, destroying, degrading or maliciously controlling an information system / infrastructure, affecting the integrity of availability, confidentiality, authenticity and non-repudiation of data or theft of information with restricted access. For example, sensitive data (contracts, projects, etc.) can be ex-filtrated by computer attackers or recovered by them using specialized programs in case of the loss or theft of a portable device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.). To secure classified information we have to use encryption system. It is a way to increase the integrity of information. We propose here a method who can be easy implemented, with low costs and maximum effectiveness. It is a safe solution in military information systems. The goal of this paper is to contribute to a better clarity regarding encryption and threats to the security of computer networks.
