Selected Factors as Determinants of Educational Systems in the Hotel Industry in Czech Republic


The paper is focused on training workers in the hotel industry. It is based on descriptive research problem, which consists in defining the effect of size, geography, foreign ownership and legal form of the company to the level of staff training. Through the method of questioning questionnaire survey and subsequent analysis of the data is determined by the structure of education systems. Thereafter, attention is focused on changing the structure of education workers in the Prague hotels and in the regional hotels, small and medium-sized hotels, domestic hotels and hotels with foreign participation and finally in hotels operated by a company or by an individual owner. The resulting data are subject to statistical testing to verify hypotheses. Three of them can be chosen to dismiss the significance level, that company size, foreign ownership and legal form affect the structure of education systems. Conversely fourth hypothesis is rejected. The presumption that the geographic location of the hotel has an influence on the structure of the education system does not apply.