Selected Indicators of Psychophysical and Mental Conditions for the Performance of Function in the Field of Protection of the Population in Areas of Soft Targets


Unfortunately, civilian populations around the world are increasingly threatened by extraordinary events, which usually kill a large number of victims. In dealing with such an extraordinary event, it is necessary that the facility managers are not only college-educated in this area, and therefore they know exactly how solve these emergencies, but also increase their psychophysical and mental condition. It often plays an important role in coping emergencies.

The paper deals with the influence of the psychophysical and mental condition of an individual working in the field of protection of the population to coping emergencies. It presents tests and their results, used to testing students of University of Defence - field Protection of population. The aim of testing was to find out how students deal with stress situations, stress and coping with fatigue. During the tests, it was observed how students can concentrate on the assigned task, accept stress and work under its influence, how they can decide under pressure. The results obtained also serve to assess whether the individuals will be able to make decisions and solve an emergency or crisis situation and whether they appear to be suitable candidates.