Selected Programs to Support Sustainable Buildings in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany – Inspiration for Slovak Republic


In recent years, the issue of the energy intensity of the production of building materials and of the construction itself and their sustainability has become increasingly important in Slovakia. Despite the fact that many advanced countries have adapted the system of implementing sustainable innovations into practice for several years, there is still lack of their systematic support in Slovakia. Without this support, many construction and engineering firms do not have sufficient experience to realize their projects of building construction or building renewal in the highest possible standard. There is only a very small amount of sustainable buildings in Slovakia and are rather exceptions. As an example, we can take the nearby Austria, which has the highest density of passive buildings in the world. Just in neighboring Austria, the research and technology program "Haus der Zukunft" (Building of Tomorrow) has been implemented for almost 20 years, focusing on sustainable construction, putting innovation into practice and improving quality of life. More than 70 projects in various regions of Austria were implemented in this and other follow-up
programs, where innovative architectural and construction methods, approaches and technologies were implemented in both new and refurbished buildings and entire urban areas. The following article presents selected programs from Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany to support building sustainability.