Simulation Of Promotional Efforts As An Instrument Of Competition In The Market “Fight” Of Russian Mobile Operators


The main solution of the diverse and numerous economic problems that have arisen in the country recently seems to be the implementation of the promising program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. This program is aimed at creating conditions for the development of a knowledge society in Russia, improving the welfare and quality of life of our citizens, the availability and quality of goods and services produced in the digital economy and using modern digital technologies, the degree of awareness and digital literacy of users, improving accessibility and the quality of public services for citizens, as well as economic security both within the country and abroad. However, against the background of the unsatisfactory development of the infrastructure of basic communication devices, traditional skepticism and undisguised mistrust of Russian consumers of the older age groups to the newest information technologies, the state of the mobile communications market and mobile commerce can be considered as starting, h. e. with a low initial level of reference and a very narrow client segment. Therefore, the largest Russian operators brought down their impressive avalanches of advertising messages on the head of the domestic consumer through very powerful TV channel injectors. Here we note that an objective, and even more so, a quantitative assessment of the quality of communication services is extremely difficult, since every individual subscriber is clearly subjective about the relative level of quality of services provided under the influence of many explained and taken into account signs-factors, as well as covariance factors of a stochastic nature individually. However, the psychophysical state of the consumer of services and the peculiarities of his perception of external information in the advertising format become the decisive determinant of this impact.