In the changing labour market, where the position of employees is visibly growing, employers look for new Human Recourse (HR) tools to attract and keep new employees. One of such tools is Employer Branding (EB), which means various measures undertaken by organisations in order to create a positive employer brand. Such measures may be undertaken both within and outside an organisation. Regardless of their focus, an important element of such activities is the Employee Value Proposition (EVP), which is a description of the properties and attractiveness of jobs offered by a given employer. An increasingly frequent element of such proposition are social aspects highlighting a personal approach to employees and the organisation’s attentiveness and sensitivity to social problems and the growing importance of social needs. The purpose of this paper is to present the opinions of Polish employers from the TOP 500 list concerning the importance of the social elements of EB communication. The list includes organisations that achieved the biggest market and financial success in 2018 according to the methodology adopted by the Polish Rzeczpostpolita newspaper portal. Unfortunately, the results of the research show that the responding organisations have little understanding of the new trends in the labour market and the need to work on the image of the organisation as a friendly employer.