Social Globalisation in Europe


Globalization is a process in which markets and production in various countries are becoming more interdependent in connection with the dynamics of the exchange of goods and services, the flow of capital and technologies. The aim of the study is to classify states belonging to the European continent into clusters, including countries characterized by similar development of social globalization. As part of the study, three separate groups of clusters will be constructed, differentiated due to oscillations around the 2-year, 4-year and  8-year trend. Trend analysis and long-term non-linear ordering. A discrete wavelet was used for wavelet analysis of the time series studied. In the process of discrete wavelet transformation, the approximation is called in approximation and detail. Approximation is further subjected to a further divisions. In this way, the signal is presented as the sum of the details of all levels. Social globalization indicator is a component of the following indicators: international voice traffic, transfers, international tourism, migration, patent applications, high-school students technology exports (exports of products with high R & D intensity), trade in cultural goods, trademark applications applications.), trade in personal services, McDonald's restaurant, IKEA stores.