Social Influence, Product Knowledge, Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), and Purchase Intention Alcohol Industry


This research aims to determine the effect of Social Influence, Product Knowledge, Fear of Missing Out, and Purchase Intention on the Alcohol Industry. The population used is millennial generation and generation Z who live in Denpasar City, have looked for information about Arak Bali, and have consumed Arak Bali. The sample used is 115 respondents. The data analysis model used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS. The results of the research show that Product Knowledge on Purchase Intention has a significant and positive effect. Social Influence and Product Knowledge each have a significant and positive effect on Fear of Missing Out. Meanwhile, Social Influence and Fear of Missing Out each have no significant but positive effect on Purchase Intention. It is known that Product Knowledge on Purchase Intention has the greatest influence and value in this research.