Social Media Marketing: The Unavoidable Marketing Management Tool


Through social media marketing, the marketers capture the traffic and the attention of various customers to their company; expose their business and cut considerable amount of cost that they would have spent in other types of marketing and communication tools. The social media is also been used by companies to get new inside into the customers’ wants and demands. The research thus is an attempt to analyse how the unavoidable tool of marketing could be used to get engaged with the customer, build the customer relationship and to influence the word of mouth marketing. The research shows that social media is not a fed but rather a trend and it could be used to establish experiential marketing or engagement marketing where the companies directly could engage consumers, invite and encourages consumers to participate in the evolution of a brand or product or service. The social media also could be successfully used to createcustomer relation management. By appropriate customer relation management, it ispossible to improve the sales activities, marketing, customer service and technical support. The social media, further, offers a new opportunity for consumers to evaluate the products and share their experience with other online users through word-of-mouth.
