Social Pathologies as a Real and Potential Threat to Public Security Space


The objective of the paper is to define the state of social pathologies to the contemporary crisis of the individual as a real and potential threat to the public security space.

Taking into account the results of the research it should be recognized that social pathologies due to the scope of their social impact (local, regional, national or global) and negative consequences, both for personal (individual, collective) and structural entities (institutions, organizations or states) should be perceived as potential and real threats to public security Therefore, it is important to work with model solutions for the analysis of pathological phenomena from the perspective of security science

The analyzed results of research in the area of public security and its threats do not include the full range of destructive behaviors, but are based on theoretical analyzes. Among the threats to social security, the respondents defined its degree. The respondents mentioned drug trafficking to be the most important one. Another area of study was to obtain answers to the concerns of the respondents - they pointed addiction to psychoactive substances. The scale of social and spatial problems was the last research problem. Among the most common problems, they mentioned litter and garbage in the streets and in parks (a big problem).

The currently functioning system of counteracting social pathologies in public space is ineffective and does not significantly reduce the occurrence of the phenomena in social life. There are insufficient actions in this regard, both on the part of central and local government administration bodies, as well as the Police and other law enforcement services. Preventive actions undertaken in this regard by various institutions operating in the public space are insufficient as well. The system requires changes. Their directions, scope and nature require not only legislative changes, but also the use of organizational and pragmatic solutions of a systemic nature, both on the scale of the entire country and institutions operating in the local environment.

Social pathologies have become a significant problem in Poland and in the world, and their development and scope give rise to anxiety in society. For this reason, social pathologies can be analyzed through the prism of all personal and structural entities. The intentions of the state policy towards the creation of optimal legal and organizational foundations limiting social pathologies are not very effective and do not significantly reduce the occurrence of these phenomena in social life.